Ethical issues to consider when conducting survey research

What are the ethical standards you should adhere to as a survey researcher? And which ethical questions should you look out for when you create and conduct your survey? Let’s explore.

What do we mean by ethical issues?

Ethics are ideas about what is morally right or wrong. There’s no universal consensus on exactly where the line falls between ethical and unethical behavior – everyone is different after all. But there are some areas where ethical best practices are well established, especially when it comes to organizations who are dealing with the general public or with their own employees. Like any other facet of organizational behavior, survey programs and research projects come with their own ethical questions and best practices. Learn how to design the most effective survey questions with our free guide

Unethical surveys – what do they look like?

What is the AAPOR code of ethics?

While conducting survey research, most academic and private sector organizations follow the code of ethics and practices established by the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), which address ethical considerations for survey researchers. This code calls for honesty, respect, and integrity in dealing with respondents, clients, and the public.

According to the AAPOR code of ethics:

How to conduct ethical survey research

Taking the AAPOR code as a guide, we can divide survey ethics into 3 main areas -– how you treat participants, how you treat data, and how you treat your sponsors and interested parties, including the general public and anyone who might make decisions based on your findings.

1. Ethical treatment of survey participants

2. Ethical data handling and processing

3. Ethics in communicating results

Modern technology is increasing transparency

Today, online survey software has made the process of gathering ethical information and following ethical best practices easier than ever.

With a good survey software program, you can provide the relevant information and maintain your survey ethics and best practices with ease.

Learn how to design the most effective survey questions with our free guide