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Arapahoe County is located in Colorado. As of the 2020 census, the population was 655,070, making it the third most populated county in Colorado. The county seat is Littleton, and the largest city is Aurora. The county is named after the Arapaho Native American tribe. The county is part of the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood metropolitan statistical area. Arapahoe County was the first county established in Colorado.
County Courthouse
The courthouse faces east and is a two-story red-colored brick and concrete structure. The building is located on landscaped ground in the center of Littleton. The County Administration Building is a three-story glass and concrete structure. The administration building is located in the center of Littleton. The original county courthouse was a three-story structure built at 16th Street and Court Place in 1883. The building was enlarged in 1893 and then razed in 1934.
County Clerk
Joan Lopez is the county clerk and recorder. The office is committed to providing cost-effective, efficient, and quality services to the citizens and taxpayers of Arapahoe County. Some in-person services are by appointment only. Appointments are made through the scheduling tool on the Clerk and Recorder’s website.
The Clerk takes care of motor vehicle service (vehicle registration renewals, duplicate document requests, disability placard requests, proof of insurance documents, temp tags), passport, and getting married. Public records and documents can be recorded and searched, and fraud detected of vital public records is also under the County Clerk.
The County Clerk records dees, liens, and releases of property. If you have questions, email ecording@arapahoegov.com. Those with military service and first responders with ID receive priority services at the four branch offices.
District Court
The Arapahoe County Court is the 18th Judicial District. The court provides court and district attorney services to the western, central, and eastern locations of Arapahoe County. The District Court, State of Colorado, and Arapahoe County oversee the Court system and provide courtrooms and office space.
The District Court Judges hear civil cases in any amount, domestic relations, criminal, juvenile, probate, and mental health cases. The County Court judges handle civil cases under $15,000. Other services handled by the county Court include misdemeanors, traffic, infractions, felony complaints, restraining orders, and small claims. The Chief Judge assigns the Magistrates with judicial duties that can include criminal, civil, juvenile, domestic relations, probate, traffic, and other judicial proceedings. Contact information is:
County Court Division A
1790 W. Littleton Blvd.
Littleton CO 80120
Phone: 303-798-4591
The Superior or Central Magistrate Court
The Superior Court is a state-based court and is located in Denver, CO. There is no Superior Court in Arapahoe County, and offenders are tried in District Court.
Civil Court
Civil Court judges hear misdemeanors, traffic infractions, and felony complaints, which are later sent to the district court, restraining orders, and small claims.
Felony Drug Court
Drug Court in Arapahoe County is considered a problem-solving court. The Court uses a non-adversarial approach to promote public safety and protect participants’ due process rights while working with treatment providers. Participants are linked to community-based service providers as quickly as possible. Substance abuse is monitored randomly, and frequent sobriety testing is used.
County Administrator Michelle Halstead 303-795-4530
County Clerk Joan Lopez 303-795-4200
Sheriff Tyler S. Brown 303-795-3500
Attorney John Kellner Court Judges
District Court Judges Michelle Amico, Chief Judge 303-645-6625
Laqunya Baker 303-645-6683
Andrew Baum 720-437-6282
Jacob Edson 303-645-6675
Benjamin Figa 720-437-6266
Thomas Henderson 303-645-6634
H. Clay Hurst 719-437-2455
Michelle Jones 303-645-6752
David Karpel 303-645-6644
Victoria Klingensmith 303-645-6732
Gary M. Kramer 720-437-6278
Ben Leutwyler 303-645-6724
Cajardo Lindsey 303-645-6711
Robert R. Lung 720-437-6270
Bonnie McLean 303-645-6761
County Judges Christina Apostoli 303-645-6678
Lawrence Bowling 720-437-6253
Palmer Boyette 303-621-2131
Colleen Clark 720-568-4832
Kolony Fields 720-437-6250
Truston Lee Fisher 719-743-2455
Magistrates Megan Brewer 303-645-6715
Vicki Cirbo 303-645-6698
Alisha Coombe 720-437-6200
Beth Elliott-Dumler 303-645-6736
Brian Fields 720-645-6744
County attorneys review cases and determine whether offenders are legally eligible for problem-solving court programs. Once offenders are in the problem-solving court, they must strictly adhere to the program. Failure to do so will result in incarceration.