Azure EA agreements and amendments

The article describes how Azure EA agreements and amendments might affect your access, use, and payments for Azure services.

Enrollment provisioning status

The date that the regional operations center processes the new Azure Prepayment (previously called monetary commitment) defines the new start date. Since Azure Prepayment orders via the Azure portal are processed in the UTC time zone, you might experience some delay if your Azure Prepayment purchase order was processed in a different region. The coverage start date on the purchase order shows the start of the Azure Prepayment. The coverage start date is when the Azure Prepayment appears in the Azure portal.

Support for enterprise customers

The Azure Enterprise Agreement Support Plan Offer is available for some customers.

Enrollment status

An enrollment has one of the following status values. Each value determines how you can use and access an enrollment. The enrollment status determines at which stage your enrollment is. It tells you if the enrollment needs to be activated before it can be used. Or, it informs you that the initial period expired and you're getting charged for usage overage.

Pending - The enrollment administrator needs to sign in to the Azure portal. After the administrator signs in, the enrollment switches to Active status.

Active - The enrollment is accessible and usable. You can create departments, accounts, and subscriptions in the Azure portal. The enrollment remains active until the enterprise agreement end date.

Indefinite Extended Term - Indefinite extended term status occurs after the enterprise agreement end date is reached and is expired. When an agreement enters into an extended term, it doesn't receive discounted pricing. Instead, pricing is at retail rates. Before the EA enrollment reaches the enterprise agreement end date, the Enrollment Administrator should decide to:

EA credit expires when the EA enrollment ends for all programs except the EU program.

Expired - The EA enrollment expires when it reaches the enterprise agreement end date and is opted out of the extended term. Sign a new enrollment contract as soon as possible. Although your service isn't disabled immediately, there's a risk of it getting disabled.

As of August 1, 2019, new opt-out forms aren't accepted for Azure commercial customers. Instead, all enrollments go into indefinite extended term. If you want to stop using Azure services, close your subscription in the Azure portal. Or, your partner can submit a termination request. There's no change for customers with government agreement types.

Transferred - Transferred status is applied to enrollments that have their associated accounts and services transferred to a new enrollment. Enrollments don't automatically transfer if a new enrollment number is generated during renewal. The prior enrollment number must be included in the customer's renewal request for an automatic transfer.

Manually Terminated - All the subscriptions and accounts under the enrollment are deactivated. Reactivation isn't supported for terminated enrollments. For direct EA, only a non-read-only enterprise administrator can request termination with a support request. For indirect EA, the partner can submit a request in the Volume Licensing Center. However, to terminate enrollments with Expired status, the partner must request it using Azure support.

Partner markup

In the Azure portal, Partner Price Markup helps to enable better cost reporting for customers. The Azure portal shows usage and prices configured by partners for their customers.

Markup allows partner administrators to add a percentage markup to their indirect enterprise agreements. Percentage markup applies to all Microsoft first party service information in the Azure portal such as: meter rates, Azure Prepayment, and orders. After the partner publishes the markup, the customer sees Azure costs in the Azure portal. For example, usage summary, price lists, and downloaded usage reports. Percentage markup is not applied to Azure Marketplace.

Starting in September 2019, partners can apply markup anytime during a term. They don't need to wait until the term next anniversary to apply markup.

Microsoft doesn't access or utilize the provided markup and associated prices for any purpose unless explicitly authorized by the channel partner.

How the calculation works

The Licensing Solution Partners (LSP) provides a single percentage number in the Azure portal. All Microsoft first party service information on the portal gets uplifted with the percentage provided by the LSP. Example: