US/EC Wine Agreement Q&As

No. This Agreement is the first phase and while it does address a number of issues between the two parties other important issues remain and will be addressed in future negotiations.

Q2: What are the major provisions of this Agreement?

Q3: What are some of the current U.S. winemaking practices that were previously not accepted by the EU?

Q4: What are the semi-generic names (Industry Circular 2006-1)?

Q5: How will the U.S. wine industry benefit from the Agreement?

Q6: How will the EU benefit from the Agreement?

Q7: With the signing of the Agreement on March 10, 2006, are all of its provisions now in effect?

No. Two provisions are not yet in effect. EU acceptance of U.S. winemaking practices and U.S. limitation of use of semi-generic names (Industry Circular 2006-1) will not take effect until the U.S. enacts legislation to change the legal status of the semi-generic names.

Q8: If EU acceptance of U.S. winemaking practices is contingent upon a U.S. legislative change in the status of semi-generic names (Industry Circular 2006-1), what happens in the interim?

The interim period is covered by the Bridge Agreement that was negotiated and signed on November 23, 2005, to address the time between the signing of the main Agreement and U.S. Congressional enactment of legislation to change the legal status of the semi-generic names (Industry Circular 2006-1). The Bridge Agreement extended prior EU derogations for U.S. winemaking practices for up to five years. Also under the Bridge Agreement, EU natural grape wine containing 0.5 to 22 percent alcohol by volume was exempted from the U.S. wine certification requirements for the same period.

Q9: What are the labeling terms sometimes referred to as "Traditional Expressions" that the U.S. will be able to use on wine sold in the EU?

The terms are: Chateau, classic, clos, cream, crusted/crusting, fine, late bottled vintage, noble, ruby, superior, sur lie, tawny, vintage and vintage character.

Q10: What are the conditions for use of "Traditional Expressions"?

Q11: How will the grandfathering of the semi-generic names and Retsina (Industry Circular 2006-1) work?

NOTE: For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see Industry Circular 2006-1.

Q12: What is Retsina?

NOTE: For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see Industry Circular 2006-1.

Q13: What is a brand name, and what is a fanciful name?

Q14: When will the next phase of negotiations begin? What will be covered?