Solving Problems With a Business: Returns, Refunds, and Other Resolutions

Disappointed by a product or service? These strategies and this sample complaint letter can help you get your money back or reach another resolution.

Go Back to the Store or Website

Before you go back to the store or website, learn about the company’s return policies and collect documents related to your purchase.

Tell the business what happened. Give details about the problem, and about the resolution you want.

Write a Letter

If you can’t resolve the problem by going back to the store or website, use this sample letter to write an effective complaint. When you write

Get Outside Help

If you’re not satisfied with a business’s response to your complaint

Post an Online Review

If you can’t resolve the problem and feel the business has been unfair, write an online review. The Consumer Review Fairness Act protects your ability to share your honest opinions about a business’s products, services, or conduct, in any forum, including social media.

It’s illegal for companies to threaten or penalize you for posting honest reviews. Many companies check social media and might reply if they see you’re dissatisfied with their response to your complaint.

Consider Dispute Resolution Alternatives

Many consumers and businesses use dispute resolution programs instead of going to court.

Many dispute resolution programs are voluntary, so you decide whether to use them. But in some states, a court might order you to try mediation or arbitration. Some companies require you to use arbitration for disputes and give up your right to go to court. Check your contract or product packaging to see what a business requires.

Your state consumer protection office or bar association might be able to suggest alternative dispute resolution programs in your area.

Small claims courts can resolve many financial disputes. The dollar limits on claims vary by state, but some states set the limit as high as $25,000. The costs of using small claims courts is relatively low, the procedures are simple, and you usually don’t need a lawyer. Check with your local small claims court for information about how to file your lawsuit.

If all else fails, consider a lawsuit. You’ll be able to sue for damages or any other type of relief the court awards, including legal fees. A lawyer can advise you about your options.