Commercial Property Legal Issues

Commercial property, or commercial real estate, is real property that is owned and used for business purposes. Others define it as real property that is intended to generate a profit, either from rental income or capital gain, which would be its increase in value over time, or both.

Of course, commercial property can also include multi-family residential property, i.e. apartment buildings. In many states, residential property with more than a certain number of units qualifies as commercial property for borrowing and tax purposes. Generally, the owner of an apartment building or complex owns it with the intent to realize a profit from rental income and capital gain. Residential leasing is a business that comes with its own special set of legal issues related to leasing units to residential tenants, such as eviction law, local rent control regulation and the like..

Therefore, commercial property laws are likely to be different from those that apply to residential property in a number of ways. Most states, counties and cities have specific laws that apply only to commercial property and they treat it differently in some ways from residential property. Among the important laws for commercial property are zoning laws, which are usually established by county or city governments.

Zoning laws recognize that commercial property may be associated with different uses than residential property. Some uses may be allowed only in residential areas, while some others are only allowed in areas specifically zoned for commercial uses and various kinds of business activities.

  1. What Are Some Commercial Property Legal Issues?
  2. What If I Have a Commercial Property Legal Issue?
  3. Do I Need a Lawyer for Help with Commercial Property Legal Issues?

What Are Some Commercial Property Legal Issues?

Distinct legal issues can be associated with the ownership and leasing of commercial property. Some of the issues that come up under commercial property rules can involve the following: