Manually closing bitbucket's pull request

I read lots of bitbucket's documentation "working with pull requests" but this is still not clear for me. I can see all my commits from new_feature branch have been applied to the master branch (via git merge --squash ) and I can see which files have changed, but now when I press "merge" on a bitbucket's pull-request interface I have another commit in master which is merge and this does not change any files (all the changes were already applied by previous git merge --squash ) but just brings all those commits history into the master which is not what I wanted. Via:

Manually pulling requests to your local system Sometimes it is a good idea to use a workflow where you test a changeset on your local system before accepting a pull request. You can do this with any pull request. The typical workflow is this: Receive a pull request in Bitbucket. Update your local repository with the incoming changeset. Investigate and/or test the change set. If you the change set is good, you merge it into your local repository. You may have to resolve some conflicts. Then, you push the local repository back to Bitbucket. Back on Bitbucket, the pull request is marked as accepted in the Pull requests tab. If you don't like the change request, you discard the changes locally and reject the pull request on Bitbucket. Ideas?