Knowledge Management

Boost the Efficiency of an Organization’s Decision-Making Ability Link

Technological advancements have changed the world, and the abundance of data generated throughout today’s organizations must be maintained, managed, and channeled into meaningful insights. Knowledge Management has become an essential skill in our data-driven society that allows organizations to focus on growth and innovation through sharing and applying of knowledge while remembering and documenting lessons learned, creating an organizational memory.

Program Features

Sample courses in the Knowledge Management curriculum:

Our Bachelor of Professional Studies (B.P.S.) degrees are different than B.A. and B.S. degrees in important and necessary ways:

About This Program:

START NOW GRANT: Apply and get admitted in the 2024-2025 academic year to be eligible to receive the Start Now Grant which gives you a 30% discount off the current tuition rate for your first 15 credits, an opportunity to save over $4,000!

Learning Outcomes

Learn to succeed in positions like:

Sample courses in the Knowledge Management curriculum:

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