Quality Management - Guide

Quality management (QM) is all about the definition and measurement of what is “good’ or “bad” in a specific situation. The words “good”, “average” or “bad” are practically meaningless when there are no rules set up. Quality Management provides a wide range of tools to set up criteria for management to decide if an agent has met a specific standard.

Quality Management consists of several connected modules that manage quality and improvement in contact centers. This modular approach makes it flexible for contact centers of all sizes. The integral parts of Quality Management are:

Main Features

The following Quality Management features enable users to achieve the best quality possible, for example:

Quality Management is a cyclical process that helps users define, measure, analyze, improve and control the entire contact center environment.

Key Users

The key users of Quality Management and their main responsibilities are:

Guide to Quality Management

The Quality Management Guide will help you to fully utilize the power and functionality of Quality Management. The guide is two-pronged as follows:

The Quality Management - User Guide is intended for contact center managers, supervisors, team leaders and agents providing instructions for managing various QM features, such as questionnaires, reviews, customer conversations or reports.

* Microsoft Edge limitation

Please note that although we support the Microsoft Edge browser there are known limitations when using dropdown menus in Quality Management. We recommend the use of a different browser with QM.

Alternatively, as a workaround in Edge, you will need to press Enter every time you want to select a value from a dropdown menu – instead of just clicking the chosen item.

The limitation is caused by partial incompatibility of Edge and the QM application running on the GXT platform. A fix will be provided in a future release.

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